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Updated: Aug 16, 2023

Vitamin E is generally used in cosmetics nowadays due to its high potent antioxidant, skin benefits and preservative properties. It comes in both natural and synthetic versions. The synthetic vitamin E consists of 8 different forms, in which tocopheryl acetate and tocopherol are closest to its natural molecule. Tocopherol is the only form that is identical to the natural molecule. Vitamin E also enhances the effects of vitamin C, when combined with sunscreen, gives extra protection to our skin against harmful UV rays.

close up of capsules

The Skin Benefits of Vitamin E

  • Offers antioxidant benefit to the skin Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, it works to neutralize free radicals damage like air pollution and extreme weather on our skin. It helps slow sebum/oil oxidation process, in turn work to slow the formation of blackheads.

  • Moisturise the skin Vitamin E promotes skin’s softening and moisturising by allowing long lasting moisture retention between the skin’s cells. This leaves skin hydrating for up to 16 hours in a day. Additionally, it helps keep the skin’s protective barrier intact, boost moisture and hydration.

  • Promotes skin healing process Vitamin E has the ability to promote the healing process, pushing burns and wounds to heal faster. It also regulates the skin’s elasticity. In turn, it provides anti-aging properties to the skin. Due to the soothing effect, vitamin E can help calm the skin when irritated​.


When using vitamin E in its pure form or in large concentration/amounts, it could potentially clog pores, especially for acne-prone and sensitive skin. In order to still get the benefits while using vitamin E, it is best to use skincare products that are formulated with vitamin E as one of the main ingredients. Moreover, when in a formulation, it helps prolong the shelf life of the skincare products against growing bacteria after opening.​​​


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